Sachin Sridhar
QualificationsB.Tech Computer Science at IIT Madras (2014-2018)
EmploymentWorking as a Software Engineer at Microsoft (2018-present)

Sachin Sridhar (Batch of 2014) acquired a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from IIT Madras in 2018, and has been working as a software engineer at Microsoft, in Redmond, USA since then. He has published papers on various topics, winning acclaim for ‘AUPCR Maximizing Matchings: Towards a Pragmatic Notion of Optimality for One-Sided Preference Matchings’. He jointly authored a paper that was accepted for the M-PREF18 workshop. His work impacts millions of people every day. He enjoys solving problems, motivates his team to excel, sets high standards, and attributes his success to a rock solid foundation at Kumaran.

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